Online Security

DiscFree technology. User manual

Important note!

The publisher of the protected software must enable the DiscFree technology when protecting the program for an end user to be able to use the technology.

1. Select a method to run the protected application.

   1.1 Removal of the protection driver.

2. Automatic activation of the DiscFree technology.

3. Manual activation of the DiscFree technology.

4. Manual activation using various means of communication.

5. Application deactivation.

6. If no activation is possible.

7. I cannot find an answer to my question

1. Select a method to run the protected application

When running the protected application, a message is displayed that contains information about the DiscFree technology and a suggestion to use disc or activate the DiscFree technology (see Fig. 1).


In case you need to run the application using an optical disc to authenticate it, press "Use disc", which results in displaying a Disc Key input box. After the key in entered, the protection system starts a standard disc check procedure. The disc should be in the optical drive for this operation. You may be asked to install the protection driver.

Pressing the "DiscFree" button opens the DiscFree technology activation window (Fig. 3).

ATTENTION! Afterwards you can select a way to run the protected application yourself by holding down Shift or Ctrl during the application launch.



1.1 Removal of the protection driver

An application with the activated DiscFree technology does not require the protection driver. If you decide to run the application by checking the disc at first, the program suggests the installation of the protection driver. But if you then decide to switch to the DiscFree technology the program suggests removing the protection driver (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.



2. Automatic activation of the DiscFree technology

When Internet connection is available.

Enter the Serial Number obtained along with the product, to the "Activation" window (see Fig. 3) and press "Next".


If your computer is connected to the Internet, the activation process begins automatically without your participation.*

After the activation completes, a window with the license parameters is displayed (see Fig. 4).


If something goes wrong during the activation the following window is displayed:

Fig. 5

By pressing "Error report" you enable the system to generate a data file with the error codes; this file is to be transferred to the technical support of the protection application. You can view the data file before sending it to the technical support.



3. Manual activation of the DiscFree technology

If the automatic activation fails or your computer is not connected to the Internet, or automatic activation is not provided by the publisher at all, you are suggested to select an activation method in the following window (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6

Your Hardware Code is shown in the dialog box. Write down your Serial Number (supplied along with the disc) and the Hardware Code. You will need a computer connected to the Internet. You can ask your friend's or neighbour's assistance or go to an Internet cafe.

Once the connection is available, go to the activation website ( (see Fig. 7) and type your Serial Number and Hardware Code in the corresponding fields.

Fig. 7

Press "Get Activation Key". A generated Activation Key is displayed on a new page (Fig. 8). Write down this key.

Fig. 8

Type the obtained Activation Key in the corresponding field in the activation window (see Fig. 9) and press "Next".


After that the application runs while displaying the windows shown in Fig. 4. Afterwards no licensed disc is required to run the protected application.



4. Manual activation using various means of communication

You can also transfer the obtained Hardware Code and the Serial Number to the activation server by other means, described by the product distributor in the protection interface window or in any associated document:

  • Via the product publisher's web interface created for the activation (the address is indicated in the window shown in Fig. 6);
  • Via the product technical support by contacting it:
    • by email (see Fig. 10),
    • by phone (see Fig. 11);

       Fig. 10

      Fig. 11.
    • By SMS.

      In this case you should send your Serial Number and Hardware Code from your cellular phone to the indicated number (see Fig. 12).

       Fig. 12.

      You will obtain an Activation Key in response message.
    • otherwise.

      In return, you will obtain an Activation Key; you can activate the application using this key (see Fig. 9).

Important! Please note that after the Hardware Code is generated, it is necessary to obtain an Activation Key and activate the product during 24 hours.



5. Application deactivation

If you are going to change your computer hardware or reinstall the operating system, it is probable that the activated application does not run after that. To solve the problem, our experts have developed the license transfer technology or Deactivation. In this case it is not necessary for you to contact the publisher of the protected application.

Deactivation process step by step instruction is available here.



6. If no activation is possible

If you cannot activate your product, you can run the program using the licensed disc check at any time. No Internet connection at the moment but it will be available soon? You have sent a request to the program technical support and have been waiting for a reply? Do not be bored - use disc! You can always activate the DiscFree technology later and make use of all its advantages.


7. I cannot find an answer to my question!

Ask StarForce!

Attention! If you encountered problems when running a protected application, and you need help from technical support, please contact us at


* Besides the Serial Number and the Hardware Code, NO personal data are sent to the StarForce activation server during the automatic activation.




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